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Voice assistant

communicate & remember


Fall sensors

detect & alert


Artificial intelligence

evaluate & react


Smart sensors

measure & record


Safety function

warn & secure

Why VIVAIcare?

Unser Digitales Assistenzsystem VIVAIcare macht das Wohnen für Menschen mit Unterstützungsbedarf komfortabler, kommunikativer und sicherer. Das Ziel dabei ist die selbstbestimmte und sichere Alltagsbewältigung und die schnelle Kontaktaufnahme zu Angehörigen und Pflegenden in Notfallsituationen.


Unsere Vivi – sie ist das Herzstück und die Steuerungskonsole für das gesamte System. Vivi kann sprechen, zuhören, im Notfall helfen und vieles mehr

VIVAIcare als Ganzes bietet den Menschen die nötige Sicherheit für ihr Zuhause, dient als Erinnerungsstütze und hilft bei dem Erhalt der kognitiven Fähigkeiten.

Auch Angehörige und Pflegende bekommen ein sichereres Gefühl, indem sie über die App einen aktuellen Status des Vivi-Nutzers empfangen und im Notfall direkt einen Anruf bzw. eine Nachricht erhalten können.

Ohne große Umbaumaßnahmen kann das System an die individuellen Bedürfnisse angepasst werden und muss dabei nicht direkt am Körper getragen werden – Entlastung und Komfort.

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"How can we live at home as long as possible in a self-determined manner in old age while enjoying the security of a retirement home?"

A question that the majority of senior citizens ask themselves at a certain point in life. And that is exactly why it accompanied us throughout the work on our joint project "Smart Service Power", which is unique in Europe.

Under the aegis of VIVAI together with renowned scientific and research institutes, pioneering technologies have been developed to enable people to stay in their own homes for longer.  

The research results of the project, which has since received several international awards, are incorporated into our innovative Product VIVAIcare : Through intelligent Digitisation and smartification support age-appropriate living within one's own four walls. Household supply and networked value chains contribute to the fact that people in need of care and the elderly can live socially integrated at home for as long as possible.


What do our users say?

"Many believe that older people can no longer cope with new technologies, but that's simply not true. The system speaks to me and I get all the information I need. That makes it very easy for me."
Christel Hahnen
Resident of Arnsberg
"A major problem is that you could fall and then you lie in your apartment and no one can help. It is very reassuring that this system exists. I can stay safely in my apartment and my kids dont have to worry."
Gerd Büchner
Senior citizen from Steinfurt
"The system is helpful precisely because my children live far away and cannot help me in emergency situations. Another problem for me is the older I get, the more I forget to take my pills. VIVAIcare now reminds me of this."
Marianne Hagen
User from Dortmund
"It's a very simple thing because I don't have to worry about it. It just happens! You hardly notice that there is a system working in the background, but it creates security."
Edith Spies
Resident from Schwerte